Secret Auction
Adding to a list in Python Adding to a dictionary in Python #Find mere here: from replit import clear #HINT: You can call clear() to clear the output in the console. from art import logo print(logo) print("Blind Auction Program V1") bids = {} bidding_finished = False def find_highest_bidder(bidding_record): highest_bid = 0 winner = "" # bidding_record = {"Angela": 123, "James": 321} for bidder in bidding_record: bid_amount = bidding_record[bidder] if bid_amount > highest_bid: highest_bid = bid_amount winner = bidder print(f"The winner is {winner} with a bid of ${highest_bid}") while not bidding_finished: name = input("What is your name?: ") price = int(input("What is your bid?: $")) bids[name] = price should_continue = input("Are there any other bidders? Type 'yes or 'no'.\n") if should_continue == "no...